Speed Training For Hockey

Attention hockey players, parents, and coaches:
Now more than ever before, the game of hockey is dominated by explosive speed.

At every level, it’s the fastest players who win races to loose pucks, create the time and space needed to get quality shots off, and ultimately create the most opportunities. In a game where a fraction of a second can mean the difference between winning and losing, speed separates the elite players from the average ones.

Clearly, hockey players must seize every opportunity to improve their speed. The trouble is, there’s a widespread misunderstanding of how to best train for speed.

Much of the available information on speed training for hockey is either outdated, overly scientific, impractical, or flat out ineffective.

Many players continue to spend valuable training time on “quick feet” drills with cones and ladders, as well as other speed drills they typically lift from a track and field or football training program.
This so-called “speed work” is often supplemented with old school bodybuilding or powerlifting routines in the weight room, or worse, no strength training at all.

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