free Golf Swing


The Key To Putting Distance Control
When you look at what it takes to be a great putter (from a basic point of view) there’s only 3 things you need to focus on…

1. Starting line

2. Distance control

3. Green reading

Now I believe that there’s a big carry over from putting to the rest of the game and vice versa. And here’s an example of this…

It’s very well known that a big difference between tour pros and the rest of golfers is how consistently a tour pro hits the middle of the clubface compared to other golfers.

The Key To Putting Distance Control
So what does that have to do with putting distance control I hear you ask?

Well, if you’re an average golfer on say a handicap between 10-20, then one big reason is because you miss the middle of the clubface more than you hit it with long shots. This same pattern will carry over to putting and consequently to distance control.

So if you have too many 3 putts because you hit putts too short or too long…. you can do as many drills as you want on the practice green to help with this problem, BUT… you need to address the root of the problem first. And that root cause is a lack of hitting the center of the putter face.

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